
How do I fit a latent class model?

Title   Fitting latent class models in gllamm
Author Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, University of California, Berkeley
Date July 2012

Exploratory latent class model for binary variables

In an exploratory latent class model for I binary variables yij for units j, each unit is assumed to belong to one of C latent classes c with probability πc. Each latent class has a different probability pi|c that the ith variable takes the value 1. Given latent class membership, the variables yij are conditionally independent. The marginal probabilities are then

P(yij=1) = ∑c πcpi|c

(The sum over the latent classes of the probability that the subject belongs to that latent class times the latent-class-specific probability that the variable is 1.)

Brief explanation of estimation in gllamm

Data preparation

As always, the data must be in long form, with all yij in one variable y and with variables i and j keeping track of the variable and unit identifiers, i and j, respectively.

Parameterization in gllamm and syntax

In gllamm, we treat eic=logit[pi|c] as the C discrete values that I latent variables can take. There is one latent variable ηij for each response variable yij. The vector ηj of latent variables for subject j takes the values ec (with elements eic) if subject j is in latent class c. Such a discrete latent variable distribution, with associated probabilities πc, is specified in gllamm using the ip(fn) option. The number of latent classes (or masses) is specified using the nip(#) option.

To ensure that the ith latent variable represents the log-odds for the ith response variable, it must be multiplied by a dummy variable di for i. We can define the dummy variables d1, d2, d3, etc., using

tabulate i, generate(d)
Multiplying each latent variable by one of these dummies is accomplished by specifying one equation for each latent variable, giving the required dummy variable after the colon on the right-hand-side (the equation names before the colons are arbitrary but are passed to gllamm in the eqs() option):
eq i1: d1
eq i2: d2
eq i3: d3
Then the gllamm command is (assuming I=5 and C=2):
gllamm y, i(j) nrf(5) eqs(i1 i2 i3 i4 i5) ip(fn) nip(2) link(logit) family(binom) nocons

Examples and documentation
