
Section 14.6


prothro.dat (ASCII, tab delimited, variable names)
prothros.dat (ASCII, tab delimited, variable names)

Variables in prothro.dat (marker data):
idsubject identifier
Nnumber of measurements of prothrobin marker
treattreatment group (1: prednisone, 0: placebo)
timetime when prothrobin was measured
proprothrobin (marker) measurement
varequals 1 (dummy for marker model)

Variables in prothros.dat (survival data):
idsubject identifier
Nnumber of measurements of prothrobin marker
treattreatment group (1: prednisone, 0: placebo)
timetime to death or censoring
deathdummy for death (versus censoring)
varequals 0 (dummy for marker model)

Some Stata commands

* read survival data:
insheet using prothros.dat, clear

* read marker data:
insheet using prothro.dat, clear

* do-file available: prothrobin.do

See here for explanations of commands and output


We thank Per Kragh Andersen for providing us with these data.


Andersen, P. K., Borgan, Ø., Gill, R. D. and Keiding, N. (1993). Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes. New York: Springer.

Skrondal, A. and Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2004).Generalized Latent Variable Modeling: Multilevel, Longitudinal and Structural Equation Models. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.