
How do I fit IRT models for polytomous responses?

Title   Fitting IRT models for polytomous responses in gllamm
Author Minjeong Jeon, University of California, Berkeley
Date July 2012

IRT models for ordinal items in gllamm

Cumulative logit models, known as graded response models in item response theory, can be fitted exactly as item response models for binary responses by using the ologit, oprobit, or ocll (ordinal complementary log-log) links. The thresh() option can be used to specify different thresholds for different items. The partial credit and rating scale models use an adjacent category logit parameterization that can be implemented via the mlogit link (see Zheng and Rabe-Hesketh, 2007). Finally, a continuation ratio model can be fitted by expanding the data appropriately and fitting a binary logistic regression model.

Partial credit model (PCM)

The partial credict model is a model for polytomous items with ordered respone categories. For the PCM, we estimate step parameters for category j for item i. To fit the PCM, the data must be expanded so that each original response (j = 0, ... ,mi) is represented by mi+1 rows in the expanded dataset. Specifically, first create a new variable, obs, to identify each item-person combination. The data are then expanded to have one row for each response category.

gen obs =_n
Suppose that there are five items and each item has 4 categories coded 0, 1, 2, and 3. Now generate variable x to contain all possible scores (0,1,2,3) for each item-person combination.
expand 4
by obs, sort: generate x  = _n - 1
generate chosen = y == x
Then generate the variables corresponding to the design matrix for the PCM as
forvalues i=1/5 {
	forvalues g=1/3 {
		gen d`i'_`g' = -1*item`i'*(x<=`g')
Now we are ready to fit the PCM. The syntax for the PCM can be written as
eq slope: x
gllamm x d1_1-d5_3, i(pid) eqs(slope) link(mlogit) expand(obs chosen o) ///
   noconstant adapt
In the first line, eq defines an equation corresponding to the columns of the design matrix. This equation is specified using the eqs() option. The expand() option is used to tell the program that the data have been expanded to one row for each possible response category. The variable obs indicates which linear preditors need to be combined for the denominator of the PCM, and the dichotomous variable chosen picks out the linear predictor that goes into the numerator. The multinomial logit link is specified in the mlogit option.

In the output, the coefficient of di_j is the estimated step difficulty for item i and category j. For the two-parameter logistic (2PL) PCM, you need a different design matrix:

forvalues i=1/5 {
	gen x_it`i' = x*item`i'
The syntax to fit the 2PL PCM is
eq load: x_it1-x_it5
gllamm x d1_1-d5_3, i(pid) eqs(load) link(mlogit) expand(obs chosen o) ///
  noconstant adapt

Rating scale model (RSM)

The rating scale model is a special case of the PCM. The RSM assumes the differences in the step difficulties for different categories are the same for all items. The design matrix for the RSM has fewer columns than the one for the PCM. Use the same example as for the PCM, consider five items with four categories (from 0 to 3). We first need to generate the columns of the matrix that correspond to the common step parameters.

generate step1 = -1*(x>=1)
generate step2 = -1*(x>=2)
generate step3 = -1*(x>=3)
The columns for the item scale parameters are generated as
foreach var of varlist item* {
	generate n`var' = -1*`var'*x
The syntax to fit the RSM is
eq slope: x
gllamm x nit1-nit5 step2 step3, i(pid) eqs(load) link(mlogit) ///
   expand(obs chosen o) nocons adapt
The 2PL RSM has the same design matrix as the 2PL PCM. The syntax for the 2pl RCM is
eq slope: x_it1-x_it5
gllamm x nit1-nit5 step2 step3, i(pid) eqs(load) link(mlogit) ///
   expand(obs chosen o) adapt nocons
In the RSM output, the coefficient of niti is the estimated step parameter for the first step of item i. The coefficient for stepj is the estimated additional difficulty for the step from j-1 to j where the step parameter for the first category is constrained to 0 for all items.



  • Embretson, S. E. and Reise, S. P. (2000). Item Response Theory for Psychologists. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Rabe-Hesketh, S. and Skrondal, A. (forthcoming). GLLAMM software. In van der Linden, W. J. and Hambleton, R. K. Handbook of Item Response Theory: Models, Statistical Tools, and Applications. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, volume 3, chapter 30.
  • Zheng, X. and Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2007). Estimating parameters of dichotomous and ordinal item response models using gllamm. Free content The Stata Journal 7, 313-333.