Generalized Latent Variable Modeling by Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh
Section 14.3: Herpes and cervical cancer:

A latent class covariate measurement error model for a case-control study

The data set used in this section is cervix.dat and was taken from Carroll et al. (1993). Missing values of X are coded as -9.

The do-file is

The program used is gllamm. Use the command ssc describe gllamm and follow instructions to download gllamm. For more information on gllamm see

Ddummy for case (cervical cancer) (1=case,0=control)
Xtrue exposure to herpes (1=yes,0=no,-9=missing)
Wmeasured exposure (1=yes,0=no)

Read data

infile D X W using cervix.dat, clear

Estimates using true exposure only in validation sample (iteration log not shown):

logit D X if X~= -9

Logit estimates                                   Number of obs   =        115
                                                  LR chi2(1)      =       2.95
                                                  Prob > chi2     =     0.0860
Log likelihood =  -72.17832                       Pseudo R2       =     0.0200

           D |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           X |   .6813592   .3999444     1.70   0.088    -.1025174    1.465236
       _cons |  -1.011601   .2919371    -3.47   0.001    -1.583787   -.4394147

Estimates using imperfect measure of exposure:

logit D W

Logit estimates                                   Number of obs   =       2044
                                                  LR chi2(1)      =      23.93
                                                  Prob > chi2     =     0.0000
Log likelihood = -1321.3944                       Pseudo R2       =     0.0090

           D |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           W |   .4528744   .0928123     4.88   0.000     .2709657    .6347831
       _cons |   -.802962   .0656468   -12.23   0.000    -.9316275   -.6742966

Estimate joint model using gllamm for Table 14.3

Collapse and reshape data:

gen cons=1
collapse (sum) wt2=cons, by(D X W)
gen patt=_n
list patt D X W wt2, clean

       patt   D    X   W   wt2  
  1.      1   0   -9   0   701  
  2.      2   0   -9   1   535  
  3.      3   0    0   0    33  
  4.      4   0    0   1    11  
  5.      5   0    1   0    16  
  6.      6   0    1   1    16  
  7.      7   1   -9   0   318  
  8.      8   1   -9   1   375  
  9.      9   1    0   0    13  
 10.     10   1    0   1     3  
 11.     11   1    1   0     5  
 12.     12   1    1   1    18  

Stack responses X,W,D into variable y and create a key to which response is of which type, var=1,2,3, respectively:

gen y1 = X
gen y2 = W
gen y3 = D

reshape long y, i(patt) j(var)

(note: j = 1 2 3)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                       12   ->      36
Number of variables                   8   ->       7
j variable (3 values)                     ->   var
xij variables:
                               y1 y2 y3   ->   y

drop if y==-9

Create dummies for the three response types:

tab var, gen(d)

Dummy v for being in the validation sample and nv for not being in the validation sample:

gen v = X> -9
gen nv = 1-v

Interactions between variables and dummies for fixed part:

gen v_d1 = v*d1
gen X_v_d2 = X*v*d2
gen D_v_d2 = D*v*d2
gen D_nv_d2 = D*nv*d2
gen X_D_v_d2 = X*D*v*d2
gen X_v_d3 = X*v*d3

Interactions between variables and dummies for random part:

gen nv_d2 = nv*d2
* already defined: gen D_nv_d2 = D*nv*d2
gen nv_d3 = nv*d3

cons def 1 [z2_1_1]nv_d2=1
cons def 2 [z2_1_2]nv_d2=0
cons def 3 [pat1_1l]nv_d2 = [y]X_v_d2
cons def 4 [pat1_1l]D_nv_d2=[y]X_D_v_d2
cons def 5 [pat1_1l]nv_d3=[y]X_v_d3
cons def 6 [y]d1=[p2_1]_cons

Non-differential measurement error (a2=a3=0) for Table 14.3:

eq load: nv_d2 nv_d3
gllamm y d1 d2 X_v_d2 d3 X_v_d3, i(patt) l(logit) f(binom) nocons nip(2) /*
  */ ip(fn) eqs(load) constr(1 2 3 5 6) frload(1)  weight(wt)

number of level 1 units = 4203
number of level 2 units = 2044
Condition Number = 13.474097
gllamm model with constraints:
 ( 1)  [z2_1_1]nv_d2 = 1
 ( 2)  [z2_1_2]nv_d2 = 0
 ( 3) - [y]X_v_d2 + [pat1_1l]nv_d2 = 0
 ( 4) - [y]X_v_d3 + [pat1_1l]nv_d3 = 0
 ( 5)  [y]d1 - [p2_1]_cons = 0
log likelihood = -2805.194770938573
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          d1 |   .0062648   .1647347     0.04   0.970    -.3166092    .3291388
          d2 |  -1.062541   .2244703    -4.73   0.000    -1.502495   -.6225876
      X_v_d2 |   1.812779   .3653273     4.96   0.000     1.096751    2.528807
          d3 |  -1.097045   .1487521    -7.37   0.000    -1.388593   -.8054958
      X_v_d3 |   .9579213   .2365887     4.05   0.000      .494216    1.421627
Probabilities and locations of random effects

***level 2 (patt)
    loc1: 1, 0
  var(1): .24999755
    loadings for random effect 1
    nv_d2: 1.8127791 (.36532727)
    nv_d3: .95792129 (.23658867)
    prob: 0.5016, 0.4984

Response probabilities:

gllapred mu, mu 

Probabilities of W for given X and D (Table 14.4):

list X D mu if v==1&d2==1, clean

       X   D          mu  
  6.   0   0   .25682409  
  9.   0   0   .25682409  
 12.   1   0   .67923049  
 15.   1   0   .67923049  
 22.   0   1   .25682409  
 25.   0   1   .25682409  
 28.   1   1   .67923049  
 31.   1   1   .67923049  

Posterior probabilities of true exposure X (Table 14.5):

gllapred p, p
sort patt
list W D p1 p2 if nv==1, clean

       W   D          p1          p2  
  1.   0   0   .23651644   .76348356  
  2.   0   0   .23651644   .76348356  
  3.   1   0   .65495805   .34504195  
  4.   1   0   .65495805   .34504195  
 17.   0   1   .44671496   .55328504  
 18.   0   1   .44671496   .55328504  
 19.   1   1   .83185431   .16814569  
 20.   1   1   .83185431   .16814569  

drop p1 p2 mu

Differential measurement error for Table 14.3:

eq load: nv_d2 D_nv_d2 nv_d3
gllamm y d1 d2 X_v_d2 D_v_d2 D_nv_d2 X_D_v_d2 d3 X_v_d3, i(patt) /*
  */ l(logit) f(binom) nocons nip(2) /*
  */ ip(fn) eqs(load) constr(1 2 3 4 5 6) frload(1) weight(wt)

number of level 1 units = 4203
number of level 2 units = 2044
Condition Number = 37.207216
gllamm model with constraints:
 ( 1)  [z2_1_1]nv_d2 = 1
 ( 2)  [z2_1_2]nv_d2 = 0
 ( 3) - [y]X_v_d2 + [pat1_1l]nv_d2 = 0
 ( 4) - [y]X_D_v_d2 + [pat1_1l]D_nv_d2 = 0
 ( 5) - [y]X_v_d3 + [pat1_1l]nv_d3 = 0
 ( 6)  [y]d1 - [p2_1]_cons = 0
log likelihood = -2802.626223555175
             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          d1 |  -.0242144   .1826211    -0.13   0.895    -.3821452    .3337164
          d2 |  -.7911943   .2586129    -3.06   0.002    -1.298066   -.2843224
      X_v_d2 |     1.0986   .4962029     2.21   0.027     .1260605     2.07114
      D_v_d2 |  -.6751662   .6907708    -0.98   0.328    -2.029052    .6787197
     D_nv_d2 |  -.6587914   .6424359    -1.03   0.305    -1.917943    .6003598
    X_D_v_d2 |   1.648709   .9550386     1.73   0.084    -.2231321     3.52055
          d3 |  -.8937903   .2212583    -4.04   0.000    -1.327449    -.460132
      X_v_d3 |   .6020423   .3966732     1.52   0.129    -.1754229    1.379508
Probabilities and locations of random effects

***level 2 (patt)
    loc1: 1, 0
  var(1): .24996336
    loadings for random effect 1
    nv_d2: 1.0986002 (.49620285)
    D_nv_d2: 1.6487091 (.95503858)
    nv_d3: .60204233 (.39667322)
    prob: 0.4939, 0.5061

Response probabilities:

gllapred mu, mu 

Probabilities of W for given X and D (Table 14.4):

list X D mu if v==1&d2==1, clean

       X   D          mu  
  6.   0   0   .31191228  
  9.   0   0   .31191228  
 12.   1   0   .57625194  
 15.   1   0   .57625194  
 22.   0   1   .18749643  
 25.   0   1   .18749643  
 28.   1   1   .78261125  
 31.   1   1   .78261125  

Posterior probabilities of true exposure X (Table 14.5):

gllapred p, p
sort patt
list W D p1 p2 if nv==1, clean

       W   D          p1          p2  
  1.   0   0   .32653164   .67346836  
  2.   0   0   .32653164   .67346836  
  3.   1   0    .5925908    .4074092  
  4.   1   0    .5925908    .4074092  
 17.   0   1   .27582333   .72417667  
 18.   0   1   .27582333   .72417667  
 19.   1   1   .85594791   .14405209  
 20.   1   1   .85594791   .14405209  


Carroll, R. J., Gail, M. H. and Lubin, J. H. (1993). Case-control studies with errors in covariates. Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, 185-199.

Skrondal, A. and Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2004). Generalized Latent Variable Modeling: Multilevel, Longitudinal and Structural Equation Models. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press.

Datasets and do-files